Catalin Ionescu – Taming The Cyber Wilderness

Home Lab, Self Hosting, CTF, Security, Pentesting & More

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  • 4 months ago

    First we need to install wp-cli. In depth instructions can be found at wp-cli curl -O php wp-cli.phar –info chmod +x wp-cli.phar sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp IMPORTANT: The scripts must not be ran as root! We can also embed a Youtube video like so: [embedyt] [/embedyt] Create a file named with the […]

  • 4 months ago

    What the heck is NOODP, you ask? In this article I’m going to show you a little known meta tag, recently introduced by major search engines, that allows you to control exactly what they display in the search results for your website.

  • 4 months ago

    Musings about the add/drop domain name scheme used by shady registrars.

  • 4 months ago

    Coming straight from the Google HQ, this is actually a gem about what PageRank really is worth for these days. Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO » SEO advice: url canonicalization Normally if you don’t see crawled snippets and only see urls, it usually means that it would help to have more links to your […]

  • 4 months ago

    DoFollow (WP Plugin) – Kimmo Suominen This is a plugin for WordPress. It will disable the automatic rel="nofollow" attributes added to external links. You may want to do this if you have good spam filtering for your comments, or if your blog is moderated. Optionally you can also set a comment age limit for adding […]

  • 4 months ago

    A few days ago I mentioned what looks like a good way to make lots of money by buying expired domains. Some of them may come with a bit of traffic, a few may even have a good Google PR. After watching the undergoing auctions at a popular expired domain broker, I can tell you […]