Catalin Ionescu – Taming The Cyber Wilderness

Home Lab, Self Hosting, CTF, Security, Pentesting & More

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  • 5 months ago

    First we need to install wp-cli. In depth instructions can be found at wp-cli curl -O php wp-cli.phar –info chmod +x wp-cli.phar sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp IMPORTANT: The scripts must not be ran as root! We can also embed a Youtube video like so: [embedyt] [/embedyt] Create a file named with the […]

  • 5 months ago

    By default, WordPress lacks the ability to send emails to registered users. This plugin was created to fill the gap by allowing you to send emails to your blog users. More details are available on the WordPress Send Private Email plugin page on my blog. To prevent abuse this powerful mass mailing functionality is available […]

  • 5 months ago

    Subscribe2 2.2.2 Now that’s a very neat plugin. Allow your users to be receive an email notification whenever someone adds a new comment to a post they’re watching. It’s pretty much like a “subscribe to thread” for forums. And here is another plugin that does the same thing. Think of it! This is an extremely […]

  • 5 months ago

    Related posts for your 404 How would you like the ability to display related entries on a 404 page? It would be really handy. This plugin displays related posts depending on which page tried to be accessed, and it does so by attempting to match the keywords in the requested URL – basically the post […]

  • 5 months ago

    Ultimate Tag Warrior 3 Ultimate Tag Warrior is a multi-headed hydra of a plugin. It allows you to add tags either through the Write Post page in WordPress in a tag box, on posts using an AJAXy box, and in posts using special syntax from external editors […] Once you’ve got your tags entered; you […]

  • 5 months ago

    Relevant incoming links are the lifeblood of SEO. Thus it is very important when you do maintenance tasks on your website – such as changing the Permalink structure in your WordPress blog – to make sure old URLs still work. There are a lot of techniques that help users access old URLs, but only one […]

  • 5 months ago

    WordPress Plugins by Blogging Pro WordPress Plugin: Subscribers-Only 1.01 A new WordPress plugins to make sure you have control over your posts. Feel like telling only your site members or other admins something, use the the Subscribers-Only plugin. No template modifications are required. You define which roles are allowed to read subscriber-only posts. In order […]